Richard L. Beattie, Jr.





Site Development & Design

Stone auto bridge, pond and landscaping developed from an abandoned farmstead,
Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania





Architecture & Design


Existing building surveys.
Partial building demolition and reuse.
Concept drawings, sketches and renderings.
Residential and commercial building design, renovations and additions.
Bidding assistance.
Construction observation and project execution.



Site Design


Program reviews.
Space planning, space sizing, usage investigations.
Site development planning through Skye Limited, LLC:
  Stormwater management and erosion & sediment control plans
  Site surveys and wetlands investigations
  Hazardous material assessments


Code Investigation


Code compliance.
ADA & building code investigations.
Damaged building code documentation.



2141 Ardmore Boulevard, Suite 1, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15221     412.351.7711  

412.351.7503 (fax)